Crafting Process of a Smooth Sandstone Slab in Survival Mode

In the vast world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Today, we embark on a journey to discover the art of crafting smooth sandstone slabs, exquisite building blocks that can add sophistication to your architectural creations.

Smooth Sandstone Slab is a building block created from Smooth Sandstone. Smooth Sandstone itself is crafted by placing regular Sandstone blocks in a 2×2 pattern on the crafting grid. The resulting Smooth Sandstone Slab is a half-height version of the regular Smooth Sandstone block.

These slabs provide builders with a refined and polished appearance, ideal for creating sleek and modern structures or adding a touch of sophistication to various architectural designs. Smooth Sandstone Slabs inherit the sandy hue and smooth texture of their full-sized counterparts, offering a neutral and versatile aesthetic for builders to incorporate into their creations.

Due to their half-height nature, these slabs allow for more intricate detailing, enabling players to craft stairs, pathways, or decorative elements with increased precision.

Follow our step-by-step guide, complete with screenshots, to seamlessly craft these elegant slabs.

Required Materials:

To embark on your crafting adventure, gather the following materials:

Crafting Process:

Let’s dive into the crafting process and unveil the beauty of smooth sandstone slabs:

Open the Crafting Menu:

Begin by accessing your crafting table, revealing the familiar 3×3 crafting grid.

Open the Crafting Menu

Add Items to Make Smooth Sandstone Slab:

Inside the crafting menu, you’ll find the 3×3 crafting grid. To craft a smooth sandstone slab, strategically place 3 smooth sandstone blocks in a specific pattern. In the second row, fill it entirely with smooth sandstone. This meticulous arrangement is the Minecraft crafting recipe for a smooth sandstone slab. Once the pattern is perfected, witness the creation of 6 smooth sandstone slabs in the box to the right.

Items to make Smooth Sandstone Slab

Move the Smooth Sandstone Slab to Inventory:

Celebrate your crafting success by moving the newly crafted smooth sandstone slabs from the crafting grid to your inventory. Revel in the accomplishment of adding a touch of refinement to your Minecraft projects.

Move the Smooth Sandstone Slab to Inventory

Commands for Smooth Sandstone Slabs:

For those seeking a quicker route, utilize the following commands to obtain smooth sandstone slabs:

Java Edition (PC/Mac) – Versions 1.14 and above:

/give @p smooth_sandstone_slab 1

Pocket Edition (PE) – Versions 1.19 and above:

/give @p stone_block_slab2 1 6

Xbox One – Versions 1.19 and above:

/give @p stone_block_slab2 1 6

Xbox One – Versions 1.12 to 1.18:

/give @p stone_slab2 1 6

PS4 – Versions 1.19 and above:

/give @p stone_block_slab 2 1 6

PS4 – Versions 1.14 to 1.18:

/give @p stone_slab2 1 6

Nintendo Switch – Versions 1.19 and above:

/give @p stone_block_slab2 1 6

Nintendo Switch – Versions 1.12 to 1.18:

/give @p stone_slab2 1 6

Windows 10 Edition – Versions 1.19 and above:

/give @p stone_block_slab2 1 6

Windows 10 Edition – Versions 1.12 to 1.18:

/give @p stone_slab2 1 6

Education Edition – Versions 1.18 and above:

/give @p stone_block_slab2 1 6

Education Edition – Versions 1.12 to 1.17:

/give @p stone_slab2 1 6

Supported Platforms:

Smooth sandstone slabs grace various platforms, ensuring accessibility across different Minecraft versions. These platforms include Java Edition (PC/Mac), Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox, PlayStation, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10 Edition, and Education Edition.

Emily is a financial analyst by day and an entertainment connoisseur by night. She enjoys analyzing stock trends and crunching numbers, but her true passion lies in exploring the latest movies and TV shows. Emily also loves attending live music events whenever she gets the chance.

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